The everyday life of a young Christian

Sunday 24 December 2017


For a long time I've had the concept of love all wrong. I was born into a world where "I love you" requires the "you" to do something for the 'I".

Apostle Paul pointed out that love is blind....not literally
though but it does chooses to be blind. Love chooses to be kind
when you are not. Love chooses to hold on when it's not
reciprocated. Love isn't proud neither does it segregate. Love
isn't about "I" but about "You". Love harbours no vengeful
thought. Love endures all things, believes all things, hope on
all things and it never fails. (1st Cor. 13:4-8)

Christmas reminds us that God loved us first and sacrificed
for us regardless of our actions. We too can show love to our
neighbours regardless of how they've treated us.

Merry Christmas to you all.


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