The everyday life of a young Christian

Wednesday 15 March 2017


Have you ever wondered why one thing or another does not fit our personality? Have you tried changing your wardrobe or your facial look and you get a response like, “that look doesn’t represent you” or “that’s not you”. There are some things that are very attractive to your neighbour but you do not find them appealing.

God has given us individual differences and preferences. It is okay that we don’t all like the same things, eat the same food or go to the same church. We all are wonderfully made with each and every one of our differences (Ps. 139:14). Peter said that we are uniquely gifted so that we can serve each other (1 Peter 4:10-11).

Jesus disciples are not alike in every way. Thomas required evidence in order for Him to believe that Christ has risen. Peter denied the master he claimed he was ready to die for. Jesus didn’t reject any of them, but molded them for His service.

God develops our unique gifts and personalities for His service. Being different is exactly what you need to stand out.


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