The everyday life of a young Christian


Jesus was tempted by the devil three times, and each temptation represents a unique pattern with which the devil lure believers back into sin. Let us relate the temptation with what most individuals encounter today.

The devil reminds you of who you were

“If you be the son of God, command these stones be made in bread” – (Matt. 4:3).

We’ve all done things that have given us names; some of which were names that install fear in the heart of people, names that hold power and authority. Having left the power, the authority, the wealth and the fame to be more like Jesus, situations that we’ll never find ourselves, people that were so frightened to talk to us now become a big issue that we will have to handle.

Like Christ, we should know that God’s word is supreme… whatever he says is what will stand. Our knowledge of God’s word gives us victory over our past.

Old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.

The devil test your knowledge of God’s word

 “if you be the Son of God, cast yourself down: for it is written, He shall give His angels charge over you: and in their hands they shall bear you up, lest at any time you dash your foot against a stone” – Matt 4:6.

A lot of people have lost their faith because of the different doctrines that surrounds the church. There was a period I stopped going to church for about eight years because of the contradicting messages I heard. When Christ found me, He gave me what I needed (the Bible) to find myself whenever I was feeling lost.

Jesus knew His Father – what His Father wanted, what His Father expects from Him, and also what He is supposed to do. Like Christ, we can also ask God to give us a clear picture of what He wants us to do in other for us to achieve the heights He has designed for us.

Study to yourself approved unto God. 

The devil tells you one compromising decision can also be good

“He shows him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and said to him, All these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me” – Matt. 4:8-9.

Christianity is a race; as a runner, consistency is a key in finishing strong. The Devil knows that, and that’s why we keep finding ourselves in situations that will test our faith. He (the devil) presents us with opportunities that we’ve been longing for; offers a way for us to get it quickly and tells us, you can always make up for it – Do it, solve the problem and ask for forgiveness.

Whenever you are faced with a situation like this, remember Joseph while in was in Portiphar’s house. He was made the head of the house by Portiphar, and Portiphar’s wife wanted to lie with him. If he accepted, all he might have been was the head slave in Portiphar’s house.

A compromising decision might have immediate benefits but it distorts God’s plan in your life.


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