The everyday life of a young Christian

Thursday, 13 July 2017


There are times when we struggle to pray because we feel tired, sleepy, sick, weak, and even unworthy. Jesus understands that we are experiencing all these, and He is ushering us into His throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace in our time of need.

Our relationship with God is very different to that of the old Testament – At mount Sinai, the people trembled at God’s presence and were afraid of Him (Exodus 19:16). Because of the fear, approaching God directly was difficult and they had to go to God through a priest or a prophet to make their request known.

When Jesus came, He changed all of that. He made it possible to go to Father directly (John 14:6) through our faith in Him.

Through Jesus we become children of God who now have a direct relationship with God. Jesus also strengthens this relationship by acting as our High priest and mediator.


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