The everyday life of a young Christian

Monday 6 March 2017


My word shall not return to me void; but shall accomplish that which i please (Isa. 55:11). When Christ was tempted by the devil; He spoke the word and he overcame the devil. 'It is written' is more than just words; it is a command, a decree, a law which binds every being on earth, underneath the earth and in heaven.

There's power in speaking the word. The Bible says the spoken word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword. God's word is authority; carries unimaginable power and settles every situation. His word about a particular situation is His opinion about it. “They that are for us is more than they that are against us” – irrespective of the number of people that wants to see you fail, you know that those that want to help you succeed are more and they are more powerful.

Having knowledge of God’s word gives you victory over your enemies, over any situation; without knowledge God’s people perish. Apostle Paul advised us to study the word to show ourselves approved. Make a habit of studying God’s word daily.


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