The everyday life of a young Christian


The Mystery

When I see a Christian, I often wonder how they manage to keep themselves free from the cares of this world. It seems as if they don’t have problems. The Christian way of living makes life looks easy and stress free.

One often wonders… why would a Christian turn down an opportunity to make millions of dollars, when all that is required of him is a falsified signature? Why a beautiful Christian girl highly desired by many will choose to keep herself when all her mates are out there enjoying themselves? What drives a Christian?

When the life on the other side becomes a mystery, when you become astonished by how others can say ‘No’ to the things you find difficult to turn your back on, then you are ready for change.


I’d love to be free like them. I’d love to be known as an honest man, a virtuous girl, and a dependable friend… whatever it may be that you desire and want to be known for, what if you end up on the losing side?

‘What if’ is a stage most gamblers that are trying to quit struggle with – what if this is the time I’ll win big? ‘What if’ can be associated to any form of addiction. My salary is not enough to cater for my needs, if I stop diverting funds how do I survive?

There are questions that arise whenever we begin to see ourselves in a different light... when our heart long for the right thing. These questions should not discourage you but rather strengthen you because it’s the devil fighting to retain control over you.

The answer to what if is the reason why you desire to change.

THE TRICK – One More Time

The decision to change is relevant for breaking free. When you’ve decided to change for the better, you will start to see the possibilities of where you’ll be, of what you’ll become. Even the devil agrees with you, but then he reminds you of time.

Giving your life to Christ is not a bad idea. Saying No to drugs, alcohol or fornication is actually a good thing… but the prettiest girl is finally warming up to you, are you going to turn her down? This is your final exam in school – one last malpractice won’t cause you anything.

One more time is all the devil needs to keep you under his control. There is never an end to one more time.

Making a decision and sticking to it is the most important step in a breaking a bad habit.


I have decided to follow Christ. I made the confession – Jesus is my Lord and personal savior, but nothing is different about me. I am still attracted to the same things.

There is no magic in making a decision… anybody can make one. Making a decision is definitely the first step to change but it’s not the whole step. There are places we visit, conversations we engage in, movies and music that we give our attention – all these fuels our wants and desires.  

Become actively involved in the things that will break you free from your addictions. Study the Bible, know God’s word concerning your life, know His truth about all situations, and finally, be approved by Him.


Nobody likes to lose. Most of us like to fight until the very end; it’s the same with the devil. He doesn’t want you to be saved and hence he is ready to fight to the end.

The devil reminds you of what you once had, shows you all the pleasures you could have, and tells you one compromising decision is all you need to have all that he’s offering. He knows your weaknesses.

The moment you surrender your life to Christ, God gets a foothold in your life. You may think this is it; you are going back to the old you. But that’s not true… He that has begun a good work in you will follow it up to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Phil. 1:6).

Never be in doubt, God will not let anything you can’t overcome come to you.


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