The everyday life of a young Christian

Tuesday 27 June 2017


The mirror shows us a physical reflection of what we look like but in our children, we often see manifestations of characters we didn’t teach them.I once heard a mother asked her child, “Where did you learn all this from?” 

Most parents are not mindful of the things they do in front of their children: the music and movies they listen and watch, the conversation they have and the type of friends they invite into their homes. Children often learn by practicing the things they see their parents doing.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. – Deu. 6:6-7.

When we intentionally fill our hearts and our minds with God’s word, it becomes part of us. As God’s words flows naturally from our hearts and mouths, we leave a strong legacy of faith for our children.

Most people often reflect the kind of family or environment they grew up in till adulthood. 


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