The everyday life of a young Christian

Tuesday 4 April 2017


In Nigeria, many Christians and churches have a lot of differences when it comes to what the members should wear or not to wear, especially when it has to do with the ladies.

In the early church, there were different perspectives on what a Christian should eat or drink;  differences on the appropriate way to worship and many others. Apostle Paul urged them to remember that none of them is in a position to judge the heart of another.

For the sake of harmony, God urges us to realize that we are all accountable to Him, to act according to His word and our conscience. However, He alone is in a position to judge the attitudes of his heart (Romans 14:4–7).

The way we dress also preachers about Christian. What message does your dress code pass to sinners and those whose faith are not strong. The Bible called us a light to the world; Hence we are a beacon of God's love.

Finally, God is the judge of all men. You have no idea what His judgement is like. why risk eternity just because of an attire. When it becomes difficult for you to let go of something, it becomes an idol.


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